- Artsistic Research
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- Artsistic Research
About Me
Performance Artist | Singer | Community Music & Theatre Facilitator
Lee Keanes is a performance artist, singer, and community music and theatre facilitator whose work is deeply rooted in the exploration of kitsch, folklore, ecology, and community. Originally from Scotland, Lee has made Hamburg (Germany) her home, where she focuses on fostering intercultural dialogue and environmental consciousness through interactive performances and artistic research.
2023-today (Germany)
- Solo-performances 'Killer Kitsch Queen' at venues such as: Honigfabrik, Klangtherapie Festival, K-Stampf Festival, Kulturelle Landpartie, Kulturpunkt Barsch, Laster Konzerte, 48h Wilhelmsburg, Haus 73, Elbinselkonzerte, Kulturladen St.Georg, Hafenbühne, Hafenbahnhof, Hummustopia, Kampf der Künste, Kiezpoeten, Haus Drei
- Rickshaw-Performances 'The Mermaid who lost her Tail'
- Artistic Research 'Searching for our Magical Beings'
- Social-Media and fundraising for Kulturkapelle
- Musical Improv Group 'Jokebox'
- Collaboration with performance artist and musician Migati on the topic of queerness
2019-2022 (Germany)
- Community Music project 'Trimum e.V.' in deprived innercity neighbourhood Mümmelmannsberg (Hamburg): Creating dialogue and intercultural collaborations
- Interdisziplinary research group 'Music and Sustainability'
- Performance on the topic of interreligious dialogue for 'Interreligious Women's Network Germany'
- "Stadtteilkümmerin", organising neighbourhood-events, neighbourhood-conferences and two street-festivals with over 7000 visitors, Bezirksamt Hamburg Mitte
- Performance for research project 'Relative Distance' on social-distancing, Kampnagel
- Performance on the topic of 'Kassia - Rebel Poet' with Istanbul Women's museum and Kainkollektiv
- Part of the 'Sales & Distribution'-team at Kampnagel
2017-2019 (Germany)
- Theatrepedagogue in different settings with nursery- and school-children
2015-2016 (Germany, France)
- Interactive ecology-performance "Gardenfairy Dieschen" in an urban garden
- Theatre-workshops at an environmental organisation 'L'Amour de la Terre' in the small village Simorre in the South of France
- Director's assistant (Regieassistenz) at the Braunschweig Staatstheater
2015 - BA Contemporary Performance Practice (Performance Art), Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
2012-2015 - Projects including: Performance Art Pieces, Community Theatre, Community Music
- Solo-Performances about: Mental health, alter-egos, feminism and ecology
- Choreographic dance-performance 'The Unexpected'
- Theatre- and Dance-Workshops for teenagers with special needs at 'Sense Scotland' and 'Loop Theatre'
- Community-Music project with war-traumatised adults in Croatia 'Balkan Summer Music Camps'
- 'Center for Happiness Research' - 3 month immersive theatre-experience in which primary school children researched happiness
- Mandarin-English bilingual theatre-piece 'Hand-Made in China', Edinburgh Fringe Festival
- Community Music project in a hospital for cancer-treatment
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